Cesta 9. avgusta 5
1410 Zagorje ob Savi
The square is located at the top of a small hill in centre of the town, by the St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church. The square also includes the Elementary School dr. Slavko Grum, People’s University of Zasavje (Zasavska ljudska univerza) and a clergy house. There is also a bust of the Slovenian writer, dramatist and poet, Ivan Cankar, after whom the square got its name. The statue was created by Viktor Gojkovič As the social-democrat candidate of Zagorje at the regional elections in 1907, Ivan Cankar was extremely amazed by Zagorje, and he gave a public speech in front of several thousand people at the location.
A few years ago, Cankar Square received a thorough renovation – the statue got a new spot, while the whole square got a canopy, which is particularly exciting during the night due to its colourful lighting. The paved part of the floor also includes the titles of Cankar’s most famous literary works.
“The more servile the servant is, the more lordly the master is.” (Ivan Cankar, Na klancu)